Latest events

Paraportator was demonstrated and flown at "Mondial Paramoteur" event at Basse Ham, France.
A prototype of Paraportator-S model was demonstrated and test-flown.

Paraportator participates at AERO 2010. Friedrichshafen, Germany.
We presented the Paraportator first serially produced paramotor at the annual trade show AERO2010 which took place at Friedrichshafen, Germany. This event is one of the major European exhibits of light and ultralight aviation and the most important for the German general aviation market.
Additionally a new concept of suspension system was revealed. A prototype with S-curved bars capable of folding backwards was demonstrated at our booth.

An article in National Geographic Russia
National Geographic Russia published a short article about Paraportator describing its benefits for travelers. The article was illustrated by photos made during the recent trip to South africa.

Las candelas 2010. Paraportator shown N flown.
During the most important annual European paramotoring event "Las Candelas" which takes place in Spain Paraportator was demonstrated to professionals of the industry as well as to general public. Demonstrations of folding and unfolding the paramotor within few minutes gained a lot of interest. The machine was as well demonstrated in flight. We want to express special thanks to HE paramotores who provided us their booth for the demonstrations.

Paraportator at Coupe Icare!
During the annual Coupe Icare at Saint-Hilaire du Touvet, France, two working prototypes of Paraportator equipped with Top80 and Vittorazi Fly100Evo engines were revealed to public for the first time. It's a very important event for our enterprise. We got plenty of positive feedback, and expect that Paraportator will be mentioned in publications of paragliding related media which was covering the CoupeIcare2009 event.
An article about Paraportator is published in F5 magazine.
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A correspondent of F5 magazine visited our premises where he was demonstrated finished Paraportator units as well as models under development and earlier experimental products. As the result of this visit a two page illustrated article was published in F5 magazine. |
Short Announcements
We meet with you nex time at Coupe Icare 2010
We are going to introduce the new model "Paraportator-S" which is now in serial production.
Paraportator was exhibited at Mondial Paramoteur 2010
We participated as an exhibitor at the most important event of the paramotoring world, which took place at Basse Ham, France
Paraportator at AERO 2010
Our serial and prototype paramotor units were demonstrated at major aeronautical exhibition at Friedrichshafen, Germany. April 8-11.
Visit to Las Candelas
Paraportator was presented at Las Candelas 2010. As usual it gained a great interest of paramotor pilots.